was accepted by Mr
Unfortunately–or perhaps fortunately–Clint’s showing on this occasion
was accepted by Mr. Simkins as a standard to which future performances
were required to conform. “What has been done once may be done again,
Thayer,” he would inform him. And Clint, not being able to deny the
logic of this statement, was forced to toil harder than ever. But there
came a time, though it was not yet, when he found that his difficulties
were lessening, that an hour accomplished what it had taken two to
accomplish before; and that, in short, Greek, while not a study to
enthuse over, had lost most of its terrors. But all that, as I say, came
later, and for many weeks yet “Uncle Sim” pursued Clint in his dreams
and the days when he had a Greek recitation were dreaded ones.
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