That scoreless tie did not take place just yet, however. Just now the
second was only finding itself and the ‘varsity romped through or around
it almost at will. The final scrimmage before the Morgan’s School
contest was on Friday and the Varsity had no trouble scoring twice in
twenty minutes of actual playing time. But even then the second was
beginning to show possibilities and the first team fellows were forced
to work hard for the two touchdowns they secured. Coach Robey was
unusually grim that afternoon and so many changes were made in the
line-up of the ‘varsity that Assistant Manager Morton’s brain reeled as
he tried to keep track of the players. It was suspected that the head
coach was far from satisfied with the first-string backs and it was
predicted on the stand that afternoon that before the season was much
older there would be considerable of a shake-up in their ranks. Freer
was looked on as having a good chance to displace Kendall, and St.
Clair, who although he had been playing but one year was developing
rapidly into a clever half, had many partisans who considered him the
equal of the veteran Still.