right guard had called it his the Maroon-and Grey forwards were down on
That oblique kick-off had been prearranged and by the time the Claflin
right guard had called it his the Maroon-and Grey forwards were down on
him. His frantic attempt to gather the ball into his arms failed and it
bounded away toward the side line. Blaisdell fell on it a foot from the
mark and Brimfield shouted joyfully. From Claflin’s thirty-six yards to
her twenty the Brimfield backs carried the pigskin. There Roberts was
caught holding and the Maroon-and-Grey was set back. Harris fell back as
if to kick and threw forward to Roberts on Claflin’s twelve. Roberts
caught, but was stopped for no more gain. The Brimfield stand cheered
hoarsely and unceasingly, the cheerleaders never letting up for a
moment. Harris plugged the Claflin centre for two, St. Clair got three
around left tackle and Harris made it first down on the Blue’s two yards
directly in front of goal by a criss-cross play through right guard.
Brimfield went crazy then and cries of “Touchdown! Touchdown!
Touchdown!” thundered across from the stand.