Saunders had discarded crutches and managed a slow jog once around the

track that afternoon, and it was fully expected that he would be in
shape to get back to work the first of the next week
Saunders had discarded crutches and managed a slow jog once around the
track that afternoon, and it was fully expected that he would be in
shape to get back to work the first of the next week. Clint and Tyler
played through most of that scrimmage, and Clint, unmercifully prodded
by Detweiler–and anyone else who happened to think of it–showed real
form on defence. He was opposed to Captain Turner, of the second, and
Turner was a crafty end. That Clint was able, more than once, to get
around Turner and stop the runner well behind the line spoke well for
him. On forward passes, too, he used his head and twice managed to get
to the receiver and spoil the play. It was a tired lot of boys who
tramped back to the gymnasium that Thursday afternoon at dusk, and there
were many bruises to be seen to, for the two teams had battled as
fiercely as though they had been the deadliest enemies. Clint fell
asleep in the middle of study hour with his head on his Latin book, and
Amy sympathetically let him slumber.

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