the scrimmage with the second was drawn out to forty minutes of actual
playing time
On Friday, contrary to established custom, practice was hard as ever and
the scrimmage with the second was drawn out to forty minutes of actual
playing time. The game with Cherry Valley on the morrow was not looked
on as a difficult one and it was noised about that Coach Robey meant to
put in a full set of substitutes in the second half. The Varsity was
severely tested in defence that day. Five times the second was given
the pigskin inside the ‘varsity’s fifteen-yard line and instructed to
take it across by rushing and four times they failed. The fifth time,
with the ball on the three yards, they were given two extra downs and
finally piled through Tyler for the last needed six inches. Tyler went
out after that, pretty well worsted, and Trow took his place. Clint had
escaped damage so far, but had been called on to repel many an attack,
and was glad enough when time was called and they were allowed to return
to the bench for a five-minute intermission.