“I’ve thought of that

“I’ve thought of that. I don’t know. I’ve done pretty well here, buying
and selling all kinds of things. You wouldn’t think there’d be much
money in it, would you? But since my second year I’ve done a lot of it
and made nearly enough each year to pay my tuition. That’s the only way
I’ve been able to stay. I guess ma argued that I’d cost her less at
school, making most of the money myself, than I would at home. Fellows
sometimes call me a ‘Yankee’ and a ‘Shylock’ and things like that
because I try to get all the money I can for a thing. But I’ve never
cheated anyone; and–and I’ve really needed the money. But I don’t
believe a fellow could do that in college. There might be another way,
though. I’ve heard of fellows making a lot of money in college.”