yards, and was found threshing his arms about when the players were torn
Harris was hurled against the desperate blue line and made a scant two
yards, and was found threshing his arms about when the players were torn
apart. Time was taken out and, after the full-back had been administered
to, he was supported to the bench and the eager Rollins cantered on.
Again came a bewildering trick-play, with a delayed pass from Innes to
Freer and a straight dash at the line by St. Clair after a short lateral
pass. But, although Claflin’s forwards faltered, the secondary defence
came to the rescue and St. Clair gained only two yards. It was third
down now, with five to go, and from both sides of the gridiron came the
imploring shout of the rival “rooters.” Brimfield chanted “Touchdown!
Touchdown!” and Claflin hoarsely begged her warriors to “Hold ’em,
Claflin! Hold ’em, Claflin!”