Gradually they had become separated from the other fellows, and now they

were alone in their grandeur watching the efforts of a youth of about
twenty to start an automobile which stood in front of Thacher’s
principal hotel, the Commercial House
Gradually they had become separated from the other fellows, and now they
were alone in their grandeur watching the efforts of a youth of about
twenty to start an automobile which stood in front of Thacher’s
principal hotel, the Commercial House. They were not especially
interested in the spectacle and really didn’t much care whether the
youth ever got going, but there wasn’t much else to look at. Every time
the engine started and the youth made a wild dash at the throttle he
reached it too late. Before he could pull it down the chug-chugging died
away. Several minutes passed and Clint viewed the clock in front of a
jewelry store across the street apprehensively. It was seventeen minutes
of five. He tugged Amy’s sleeve.