Again Harris went back, but this time it was Carmine himself who sought

a breach in the opponent’s defence and was finally upset without gain
Again Harris went back, but this time it was Carmine himself who sought
a breach in the opponent’s defence and was finally upset without gain.
It was third down now, with four to go. The ball was well to the right
of the goal, but Harris had done harder angles than that in his time,
and hardly anyone there doubted that he would manage to land the ball
across the bar. For there was hardly a question but that Brimfield was
to try a field-goal this time. She weakened her end defence to provide
protection to the kicker, both Kendall and Roberts playing well in and
leaving the opposing ends unchallenged. But if Harris was capable of
dropping the ball over from that angle he failed to do it on
this occasion.