After the rest–if it could be called a rest when seven coaches were

criticising and instructing every minute–the scrimmage developed into
straight football
After the rest–if it could be called a rest when seven coaches were
criticising and instructing every minute–the scrimmage developed into
straight football. The second kicked off and, after the ‘varsity had
failed to get its distance in three downs, Harris fell back to punt.
Harris was a left-foot kicker and was accustomed to taking a pretty long
stride to the left side before he swung. He was very deliberate about
it, too, and the line had to hold hard and long in order to enable him
to get the ball off safely. When it did go it went well and accurately,
but in the present instance it didn’t go. Cupples, of the second, had no
difficulty in getting through Trow, and it was Cupples who knocked the
ball down just as it left Harris’ foot. Fortunately Marvin fell on the
pigskin for a fifteen-yard loss.