Amy didn’t get back to the room until half an hour later, but he had his

precious tennis trophy, and explained as he placed it on top his
chiffonier and stood off to view the effect, that he had stopped at the
courts to learn the results and afterwards at Main Hall to get mail
Amy didn’t get back to the room until half an hour later, but he had his
precious tennis trophy, and explained as he placed it on top his
chiffonier and stood off to view the effect, that he had stopped at the
courts to learn the results and afterwards at Main Hall to get mail.
“Brooks and Chase won two straight,” he said, “just as I expected they
would. What did I do with that score-sheet, by the way? Oh, here it is.”
He drew it from an inner pocket of his jacket, and with it a blue
envelope which fell to the floor. He picked it up, with a chuckle. “Look
at this, Clint. I found it in the mail and nearly had heart disease. Too
well do I know those blue envelopes and Josh’s copper-plate writing!
Catch it. I tried to think of something I’d done, and couldn’t, and then
I opened it and found that thing!”